Limestone Colours

WINTER SALE NOW ON until end of Feb 2025. Up to 10% off all projects & free drainer grooves. Appointment Required

Thanks to its soft, creamy colouring and beautifully mottled texture, limestone is a popular choice throughout homes.

We supply and install a classic collection of limestone colours, many of which are carefully stored and available to browse in person. Our limestone can be used to tile floors in kitchens, living rooms, hallways, outdoor spaces, bathrooms and even as kitchen worktops. Should you wish to use limestone as a kitchen worktop, please contact us to discuss before proceeding.

We also work closely with Ca’Pietra who offer a stunning collection of pre-cut limestone tiles in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes. Just like Landford Stone, Ca’Pietra is a family run business with a genuine passion for natural stone and whose employees have been in the trade for over 25 years.


Limestone Inspiration

Limestone Fact Sheet

Want to know more about limestone? Read our Limestone Fact Sheet.

View Limestone Fact Sheet

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