Outdoor kitchens on the rise!

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Perhaps it is the miracle of a sunny May Bank holiday that has got us thinking about BBQ’s, outdoor cooking and dining al fresco, but outdoor kitchens are certainly picking up in popularity!

Cooking out in the open, whatever the weather, has always been widely embraced in the Scandinavian countries but increasingly we’re seeing it creep over to the UK too. Outdoor firepits are also getting more and more popular and at Landford Stone we always have an outdoor project on the go.
It’s not clear whether it’s the UK’s increasingly unpredictable weather, the desire to open up our homes as much as possible to connect with our gardens or simply our British enthusiasm to make the most of every sunny moment that is driving the outdoor kitchen trend, but at Landford Stone we’re certainly on board!

At the 2017 Italy Stone Show, Molly noted many fantastic outdoor kitchen displays (image above right) and last year we installed an extraordinary rooftop outdoor kitchen ourselves in central London (below).

This spectacularly grand outdoor kitchen, complete with kitchen island and BBQ area was installed for a private customer, on the rooftop of their super swish London penthouse. The natural stone used for the project was a beautiful Grigio Orobico Marble from Italy, characterised by swirling black, white and light brown veins set on a grey background. The view wasn’t half bad either!

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